Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Michael Collins Shines a Tiny Spotlight Back on Himself

When asked how he spends his time, he answers:

Running, biking, swimming, fishing, painting, cooking, reading, worrying about the stock market, searching for a really good bottle of cabernet under ten dollars. Moderately busy.

Awesome! Because a really good Cabernet under $10 is one of the secrets to enjoying life... Well, under $25 anyway! Wish he had a Twitter feed - I have a hell of a list for him!

Neat answers to his most asked questions - although, some dispelling lifetime beliefs I have had regarding him and his mental state. I remember long ago I heard his daughter (on one of the soaps) tell about he never even talked about the moon to them. I just assumed he wigged out being in a spacecraft all alone knowing that he would have to leave his crewmates on the moon if things went wrong. Apparently, this is not true and he really just does not like the spotlight. He also has lots of insight... but is saving it for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11! Cute...

Press release here with his questions answered.

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